Friday, January 1, 2010

There is every indication that many more Americans than in 2000 now think that, ultimately,

within three decades or so, China will be the most powerful nation on Earth, not the United States. If that happens, that is going to have all sorts of consequences, huge anger in this country, people who are accustomed to being on top.

Click title for source

Perhaps, we have forgotten struggle. Or perhaps we never really had to. Even yet. We've been very lucky, and have mistaken that for virtue, or Godde's favor. . . .

I just know I lived with these people for nearly four years. They lived in housing that most ghetto dwellers in this country wouldn't put up with (running water down the hall or downstairs, one shared toilet for the floor, one room for a whole family and grandmother). And I have to say, I never, not once, ever heard a complaint of any variety. Nothing but cheer,goodwill, and hope for the opportunity to do better.

Perhaps we'd best put our house in order?
