I started working on this picture and seemed to get lost in it ... altering and editing for almost an hour. I used on line tools, and every image program in my computer at one point or another.
After looking at the final product, it fit my mood to a tee. I know one thing for sure, "I am spending entirely way too much time indoors". Not much I can do about that because outside the windchill will freeze skin in minutes. What ever did people in the North Country do all winter before electronic media? You can only sing and watch a fire for so many days before going insane. Remember THIS guy??
That's what you will look like if you take your dog out for a urination party. Frozen to a fire hydrant Chihuahua? Poor lil fella ... [[[ SNAP ]]]
I am thinking about going to the Hollydale Airport and just buying the cheapest flight SOUTH.
What does this post poster have to do with Natalie Gulbis? Nothing but SEO, baby ... nothing but SEO. Natalie Gulbis « Hollydale Golf Notes
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