Indiana Speedcat: You're not from around here, are you?
Irina Spalko: And where is it you would imagine I am from ... Doctor Speedcat?
Indiana Speedcat: Well the way you're sinkin your teeth into those v-double-u's, I should think Eastern Ukraine.
Mutt Williams: Whoa Nellie, what about the legend of the gold city?
Indiana Speedcat: Well, the Ugha word for 'gold' translates as 'treasure' ... but their treasure wasn't gold, it was knowledge. Knowledge was their treasure.
Indiana Speedcat: Who is your mother, again?
Mutt Williams: Mary, Mary Williams. You don't remember her?
Indiana Speedcat: There's been a lot of Marys, kid.
Mutt Williams: [punches the table] Shut up! That's my mother you're talking about, okay! That's my mother.
Indiana Speedcat: You don't have to get all sore all the time just to prove how tough you are. Sit down. Sit down, please.
Irina Spalko: You fight like a young man, eager to begin, quick to finish!
Marion Ravenwood: I'm sure I wasn't the only one to get on with my life. There must have been plenty of women for you over the years.
Indiana Speedcat: There were a million, but they all had the same problem
Marion Ravenwood: Yeah? What's that?
Indiana Speedcat: They weren't you, baby.
Dr. Silberman: Why didn't you bring any weapons, something more advanced? Don't you have, uh, ray guns? Show me a piece of future technology.
Kyle Reese: You go naked. Something about the field generated by a living organism - nothing dead will go.
Dr. Silberman: Why?
Kyle Reese: I didn't build the f`ing thing!
Dr. Silberman: Okay, okay. But this cyborg, if it's metal...
Kyle Reese: Surrounded by living tissue!
Indiana Speedcat: Make my day, I will B bahk
Dr. Silberman: What an idiot !!!
Indiana Speedcat: With the 8 billion Terra byte skulls, I will make you the stooopid one. [kicks Dr. Siberman in ballsak]
Darth Vader: I am your father Indiana Speedcat
Indiana Speedcat: OOOOOOhhhhhhhh BER ..... OOOOOOhhhhhhhh BER
Marion Ravenwood: Such a geek
Speedcat Hollydale was born in 1877, and currently resides in the town named after ABBA-DAYA HOLLYDALE SR. He has written 5071 mini novelettes, and is working on a new golf blog that nobody seems to give a crap about. On the mantle are 3 Nobel Prizes for literature, three Pulitzer Prizes, and one Oscar for the "Venture Hollidalian" screenplay. He is single and actively seeking a new bride.