Saturday, January 8, 2011


Changes, the big changes, carry a mix of excitement and self doubt. Seems getting by is nice for just so long. I never realized the fact that life is very much lived in stages, or progressions when I was younger. Life seemed more as a timeline with future dates of significance.
My last, and current cycle has been one with a regrouping agenda. Planting my feet again and adapting to a whole new set of criteria. Being single and living alone is one big bag of mixed emotions. For the most part, it has been very liberating, and actually quite insightful. You seem to find an inner perspective and self realization by maintaining such a free, uncompromising, and unscheduled life. You think and ponder past and future a lot more without distractions bombarding you at every turn. What am I talking about? Who knows ... this is one of those ramble and type random pops of my brain posts. Sometimes they just fall out of your crack butt.

Here are the main things I have learned about myself in the last 2 years.

1. I hate stress, and am not good at handling it. More peace, moh bettah
2. I don't really give a crap about how big or how nice my place is
3. Doing what I love is a soul builder. Taking concessions in some parts of my life to be able to find room for what I enjoy is invaluable
4. I am a great leader, yet a shitty follower. There, I admit it ... I think I am a good guy, but have a stubborn side.

For 2011

1. New job that does not make me want to tear my hair out
2. Make all changes needed to make #1 possible

Sounds so very simple when I write it down. Why is it that sometimes our minds make changes so difficult to accept?