Thursday, September 9, 2010

Utopian Moostard Stargate #7

Space kissing booth and the giant corndog boobs

After leaving the Uranus Space Station "Utopian Moostard Stargate #7" I found myself floating aimlessly through the great void with my new award from the Labia Greens Woman's Group ... yes, the coveted and prestigious Corny Golfer Award. I had a great impulsive and inner implosive compulsion to eat the giant batter dipped pronto pup. It was pre-soaked with yellow mustard and was ohhh so golden brown. Of course I caved, and found myself in search of a 5080 oz Big Galaxy EXtreeme Gulp dink cup filled with Red Bull and diet Mountain Dew. My fuel gage was on 1/4 tank ... not enough to land safely on Earth, so I looked for the nearest space phone to call in a delivery. To my shock there was a spaceman in there with an unlimited pass card and he was having a conversation with his alien wife on Neptuna. The bastard would NOT even acknowledge I was there waiting - yack yack yackity yak. I was pissed off, and luckily wearing my depends space bag (the Urinator). I waited for about one hour then blew the rathole right out of the sky with my ships eunicalio pulsar ray gun. It was very satisfying, yet there I was with a 88 inch corn dog, and no soft drink.

What a bunch of BS !!!!

Safely Live the Galactic Lifestyle with Galactic Dew!
Space Flowery Update of Space Flowery Goodness