Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010 6:35 PM, EDT

We have had a super busy weekend! Yesterday we began the day with Daddy running a 5K at Shaker Village. He ran really really fast! Later in the afternoon we went to a party for one of Mommy's friends, who is super smart and just graduated with her CAGS (Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies...1/2 way between Masters and P.H.D.). There were lots of other kids there and Ally had a blast. Today we went to a family wedding. It took Ally a bit of time to warm up, but she did, and she had a great time. When we left, she was asleep in the car before we were a mile down the road.

Tomorrow we begin 2 weeks of a medicine that makes Ally cranky. Please pray that she doesn't get as cranky this round.

Where we go from here:
Allyson has been fighting Neuroblastoma for over 2 years. We are currently in a holding pattern until her HAMA level drops. When it does we will continue with 3f8 treatment in NYC. We will draw blood on June 3rd to check her level. She will have scans in NYC in mid June to see what the disease is doing inside her body.