Monday, May 3, 2010

Guest Blogger Deana & the Wendster Winds

All written by Deana from Facebook, on May 3 at 9:09 pm

So here they be (with a bonus for Mardy); can you pass to Wendster as I have
no idea how to actually reach her in real life? thx

Wendster Wind

I am the scent of cherry blossoms on the air
Inspiration just beyond your grasp
Unnamed longing
Carried to you on the breeze
Unseen and ever present
Find me


black chopper custom frame speedcat hollydale love bikeMotorcycle Wind

I remember worry
As I remember dreams;
Vague voices humming
Just beyond my comprehension.
They recede into the distance
As road, sky and future rise up to greet me
And the only voice I hear
Is the wind


Cheating the wind
(for Mardy - Speedcat's Dog)

My land
My tree
My hillock
My pee
My friend
My bush
My squirrel
My touche
My world my world my world
Every thing old and new
Mine and mine again
Rushing to meet me ... and cheating the wind
I rush to meet it

faster than a speeeeding bullet on Twitpic

Speedcat Hollydale / May 3 at 9:16pm

Can I publish this ?????? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeese ?!??