First aired in 2008 ...
Juliet: Dost en a Capulate? Whomever-est thine eyes shine upon thee.Rommecat: Your family stinks ... go away. Gosh, kinda cute though!
Juliet: Rommecat, Rommecat, where fort art thouest Rommecat???
Rommecat: Here I am. Even though I am supposed hate you, a find a burning desire. Is it wrong to love!!!
Juliet: Taketh me to the parlor Rommecat! You nomenclature you...
Rommecat: Well, OK. Make sure my cousins are not looking. If loving you is wrong, I DON'T WANT TO BE RIGHT! Booyhaaa
Jerk Guy Capulate: You werest in bedding with a Montegue. Surley you will live no longesteth. On gaurd.
Rommecat: Whatever .... AHHHH!!! I am stabbed (sigh)
Juliet: Mine love mine love, I cannot liveth without-eth you-eth. I shall drink poison from the death flask.
Rommecat: "Nothing"
Rommecat: I'm not dead .... I am alive! Ohh my goodness dear juliet .... WHY ..... WHYYY!!!!!!
Juliet: "Nothing"
Juliet: I dost thinketh thine death juice was kool aid from another jar... I am alive againest!
Rommecat: Hot Dog!!! Lets marry and get a cat. They are hiring at the orchard. Thy Montague tale of unrequeted love ! "Oh, bloggy" ! Allest that endeth well is well indeed. Oh no...Timmy just fell down the well. Go for help Lassie.
The End