Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thoughts from SPACE & Nebula

Thoughts from SPACE & Nebula Speedcat Spacecat morning hair
Through endless space the mind travels past comprehension to that of pure logic and reason like no other entity. The adventure of thought sojourn faster than light and arrives instantaneously to cerebral neurons. If one cannot prove he can still believe ... as there is fact in the unknown because unknown does eventually become fact. It is just this hunger that creates desire in my loin. Grasp onto the Milky Way and ride the nebula through vast wormholes of conscious bending metamorphosis. Like the butterfly we came from the worm and egg. The parabola graph to ebb and tide reveals destiny, just as we cannot change the past. Pulsar torpedoes and meteor asteroid hybrids join in galaxy dust to spawn each molecule of life ... including sanguine plasma fluids coursing though human vein to vane.