Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Jokes about music and the performing arts

What song did the Beatles sing to the pig farmer?
"I wanna hold your ham".

Which Beatles song is about their favourite vegetbale?
"Peas Please me".

Why did MTV give Tutankhamen a music award?
He was the original king of wrap.

Mellie:"Did you ever hear of Al Bee Jackson?"
Kellie:"No.Who was he?"
Mellie:"An Insect who starred in the movie 'The Jazz Stinger'."

What is Elvis Monster's favourite hit song?
"Love you too munch".

Why couldn't the turkey play in the rock band?
He forgot to bring his drumsticks.

Customer:"Where can I find an assortment of classical music?"
Clerk:"Go through the Bach door."

Which cat is a famous rock star?

What do you call 2 bees,a wasp and a hornet with violins?
A sting quartet.

Guard:"Elvis is visiting the prison and he wants Chinese food for lunch.What should we do?"
Warden:"Quick!Somebody get the jailhouse wok!"

Who can cash cheques while shooting an apple off his son's head?
William Teller.

Fred:"I come from a music family"
Barney:"I never knew that."
Fred:"Oh yes.Dad drummed his fingers,Auntie Mae blew her nose and
Grandpa fiddled with his beard."

What did the little chicks call their famous rock band?
"The Red Hot Chili Peepers".