Monday, October 18, 2010

I have not done one of these MEME deelios in a while

From Drop Box

The Queen's Meme #57 ~
The Threes Meme
from Mimi Lenox!

Welcome to The Queen's Meme #57.
We're talking THREES. Answer these questions all having to do with the number 3. I predict this meme will take about 3 minutes to do.
Of course I could be wrong.

It's been known to happen.
And watch out! Question #3 is a doozy.

carved wooden toilet pee 7
3. Where were you 3 hours ago? Peeing on a tree with my dog

3. Is there anything pink within 3 feet of you? My DOG!

( paws )

3. Name the 3 scariest places in the world. work, DMV, dentist

3. Name the 3 loveliest sights you've seen lately. fall colors, Mimi Lenox, chikin catch a Tory Pine

benny Goodman brass 7 band old time music

3. Name the top 3 Bands in the year you were born.

Benny Goodman, Mel Tillis Quartet, Bo DiDallaillie

3. Walk to your front door. Go outside and get in your car. Drive 3 miles East. Describe 3 things you saw on your way. goats, chickens, lake Hollydale

3. I, Queen Mimi, have sentenced you to a 3-day diet of your most sinful cravings.

What will you be partaking? candy ....

3. Go back to question #3. Change the first word to "travel" and let me know if you survived.

I'll hold a room for you in the dungeon in the meantime. OK !

From Chikin Tree Shack Hollydale

3. If you are the 3rd person to do this meme and sign the Mr. Linky as #3 you win a prize! The prize is you don't have to do this meme. Oops. **Don't you know you should always read all the instructions/questions FIRST??**

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... HI

Hi Monday Medley at the House of DCR the daily blogger for 2 years running .

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