The Teach tagged Julie who TAGGED ME with this little meme that goes like this ....
Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 46. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The closest book, not the coolest, or the one you think will sound the best. THE CLOSEST.
So the book I'm reading to you is called, "Bluff Your way in Golf"
One of the finest things about golf is that the crappiest amateur is allowed to play on the very same courses as the most hallowed professional. Duffers get angry, throw things, and swear a lot. The pros only do these things when off camera. As Speedcat walked up to the first tee box at the Pebble Beach Pro Am, he stated that the cameras better be taking pictures AFTER his shot, or he would kick the guilty party in the ball sack. Tiger Woods laughed ....
and then said, "Speedy - you are the most fun golfer I know!" Speedcat told Woods to shut up for a moment so he could concentrate. The gallery was shocked, and a few booos were heard. To that, SpeedyCat Hollydale grabbed his bag of clubs from the caddie, threw them in the water and quit. His last parting words were legendary ..... "If I wanted to hang around a bunch of idiots, I could have went to the Blogger Convention. Golf in California is a crock of hoooey!"
I tag these fine bloggers:
THE PUPPY! I hope you five enjoy this little meme and don't forget to grab your award because YOU are a sexy bookworm! ...
well, Julie said they were :-)PLEASE COMMENT HERE