Monday, April 4, 2011

Voices from the Past: The Maine Writers' Gathering (1941)

The following blurb came from The Portsmouth Herald dated 10 June 1941. It deals with a wonderful gathering of sportswriters in Maine, where H.G. "Tap" Tapply won the prize of an Edwards fly rod.

Sports Writers Fish In Maine

Forty-two outdoor newspaper and magazine writers from all over the East returned last night from a fishing party at Moosehead lake, Me., with 125 salmon, togue and square-tail trout and stories of having released four times as many fish, over a three-day period. The Portsmouth Herald was represented by Robert O.E. Elliot, "Gunnin' and Fishin'" columnist, who won a prize for catching the largest fish on Friday, a 3 1/2 lb salmon.

Moosehead lake guides and cabin owners sponsored the party and arrangements were in charge of Dick Reed. Twenty-one tackle awards were made by manufacturers for largest fish caught. H. G. Tapply, editor of Hunting & Fishing, Boston, Mass., took an Edwards fly-rod as first prize when he netted a 5-lb salmon.

-- Dr. Todd